Birthday wishes come true. . .
It was very gratifying to see last week’s nocturnal brainstorm materialize very successfully this afternoon. My idea to have a party for the women of WAFF in honor of my own 54th birthday became more of an event than I ever imagined. Many thanks to all of you who have so generously donated to my cause. You have helped make these women at WAFF feel very happy. Their grins and constant words of tenk-hee, tenk-hee with singing and clapping gave me such pleasure, happiness and a sense of fulfillment. I feel that we have all made a positive impact for these women. It was truly a Gammy event. Thank you for giving me such a memorable birthday and to all who sent messages from afar too. I felt very loved and appreciated.

All the purchases to date: 25 colorful plastic chairs, 2 plastic tables, beach umbrellas for tables, 2 sewing machines, 2 washing machines, 2 dryers, 6 rolls of fabric for new hospital gowns… enough for 90 gowns, 20 newly sewn gowns, party favors for each patient…a toilet bag with new towels and a jar of zinc oxide were presented to them by me throughout the day. It made it fun to stretch out all the surprises. In the morning I set up the chairs, tables, and umbrellas and urged them all to get up and outside. They all oohed and aahed and stayed outside all morning through lunch time. I had also come across some good books for them from a second hand collection from the Alghali’s, my hosts, which they loved perusing.

The day progressed with the presentation of their new uniforms at noontime. They were thrilled and all broke out in spontaneous song and dance…very sweet. After a bit of a rest we had ice cream (many had never tasted it), drinks and watermelon with the staff. More presentations, the sewing machines and the party favours, following a talk by me holding a blow up Earth to explain where my friends and family were to help illustrate how many people far and wide had donated to their cause. This was doubly translated into Krio and then into some of the tribal dialects.

I read the plaque which I had arranged to have made and, considering all the highly charged emotions, managed to pull it off with only a couple of voice cracks! While we were eating the cake for the birthday I share with Nurse Jackie, the washers and dryers were delivered. It was fantastic to witness their delighted expressions accompanied by more whoops, singing and clapping.
We had a few photos and then wrapped it up. Everyone should sleep well tonight.

Now I want to ensure that the washer and dryer get hooked up properly. I will also train people how to use them. The dryers will not be necessary until the rainy season begins, probably within a month or so, and lasting through October. I have also lined up a staff person, Lansana, who is a trained tailor, to teach sewing. Some of them seem really eager to learn. Buying farm\garden tools and seeds is also on my list. For the women who rely on farming this will be of great assistance and also give them more independence. With Dr. Lewis I will help identify some possible scholarship recipients. The days will be full! Dr. Darius Maggi will be arriving from the USA on Friday and I am eager to meet with him.
Wednesday I am going Up Country again to retrieve more women. This time the destination will be to Koidu in the Kono District which is the diamond area in the eastern region. We will also go and get the girl in Kabala whom we had to leave behind on my first trip out.
I can feel the time slipping until it is time for my departure…still much work to be done.
Much love, Helen
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