It POURED last night for several hours, rivaling FNQ...wowser! I was awake for awhile and let my thoughts drift to all the images and doings over the past few days. It's a swirl. I feel as though I have been here for at least a week with all that has happened and all the people I have seen.

Absolutely terrific to be greeted by John and Poppa at the airport. Waiting for my bags, I felt like an "old timer" as I watched and assisted newcomers. It is a good feeling to not be TOTALLY green!
On the ferry I watched all the locals visit with their families as we were entertained by dancing muscle bound dwarves trying to earn their way in the world. The spirit was festive with the Paul Simon and his band's music despite the late hour. The delightful colourful fabric and the lovely faces abound. It is good to be back in Africa!
I’m now in Bo and getting into a bit of a routine. The hospital is spacious and the 24 fistula patients awaiting surgery all look healthy and happy. There has been an adult education class initiated, as well as craft classes, so that is great.

My welcome was very touching. Singing and dancing, lots of clapping, all very sweet and boisterous.
There is much to be done, so I will get back to it all.
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