"When Dr. Maggi arrives. . ."
Before my arrival the litany apparently had been "When Helen arrives….", and after my arrival the litany switched to "when Dr. Maggi arrives…." There was just so much business to tend to and I was not in a position to make any executive decisions. However, I was able to see some red flags flying concerning the agreement with the Holy Mary Hospital proprietor which needed to be clarified immediately. I was able to relay my concerns to Dr. Maggi via email and alert him to the situation prior to his arrival.
Without going into any great detail, let it be said that A LOT happened within the first 24 hours of Dr. Maggi's arrival. It was clear that the situation was going to be non-negotiable with Holy Mary and after a variety of several meetings the decision was made at 0800 to move the whole operation to Bo Government Hospital. Never say anything is impossible!
All the medical equipment and all the supplies (including the huge autoclave and all the contents of the container) were moved out within 3 hours. It was as though a mountain had been moved, almost literally. It was amazing to witness the loyalty of the staff, the local community (including small children carrying boxes of vitamins on their heads), as well as the patients who helped move everything. Everyone worked so hard. No tears, no blood, but copious amounts of sweat. We were lucky that the monsoonal rains held off, too. Plus, we got another rat!
The women are still in residence at Holy Mary and will move out on Saturday. We have arranged for a ward at Bo Government Hospital which will be terrific. This AM painters, window screeners and electricians are beginning to transform their ward.
It has been a swirl as one can imagine, but all seems as though it has been "meant to be" and a blessing in disguise. It will ultimately be a much better arrangement which will benefit more people in Sierra Leone.
Vivienne Walt has written an article, ‘Death in Birth’, click here, in the September 29th issue of TIME (cover is the crying bull regarding the failing economy) which describes the deplorable maternal mortality rates in Sierra Leone. We are definitely in the right place doing the right thing.
More later. There is so much I want/need to do before I depart on Monday night.
Love, Helen

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