Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

6 More Days. . .

It's hard to believe that I just have 6 more days here. I have learned so much and met many wonderful people. Time is totally warped. Sometimes it as though I have been here for months, other times just a quick flash.

I have gotten into the routine of walking to the hospital every morning at about 7:30. It's a steady up hill trek on a series of tracks through a few "neighbourhoods" and takes about 30 minutes. Despite the heat, I actually arrive at WAFF feeling quite energised. I wash up and change clothes, as I am absolutely drenched with sweat upon arrival. The commute gives me a chance to reflect and feel a bit more integrated. People now call out "How de bow-dee?" and know my name. I am definitely an enigma, not many "urpotos" (white people) walk this route!

There are families out getting ready for the day, doing all the regular things of getting kids off to school, plaiting their hair and washing up and cooking breakfast over open fires. Scroungy dogs are very prevalent. Yesterday the 27th was Sierra Leone's 47th year of independence, but the holiday has been on Monday. There have been major parades and parties everywhere.
Last night the music blared throughout the town until 0600, so this morning when I did the walk things were pretty quiet.

It's been very wonderful getting to know Dr. Darius Maggi from Denison, Texas. He founded WAFF and is a very compassionate individual who really goes all out for these women of Sierra Leone. We have been able to have good discussions about WAFF and health care generally in Sierra Leone. This is his 20th time here, so everyone welcomes him heartily.
It's just so amazing that this is one of the Africa's richest countries in terms of natural resources, yet it's on the bottom of the GNP list. It is interesting to try to make some sense of this and try to figure out ways to help these people with him. I'll come back "talkin' like a like a Texin" if I don't watch out. It's infectious!

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